Wenande Business Solutions focus on the following solution areas:

Business Intelligence and Analytics

More and more, companies and governments alike struggle with more unstructured data that they cannot deal with. This is mainly referred to as “Data Explosion”. The independent research firm International Data Corporation (IDC) estimates that, by 2020, transactions on the internet will reach 450 billion per day and enterprise-generated content will exceed 240 exabytes daily (an exabyte is 1 billion gigabytes). That is a great deal of information.

This rapid growth of data creates new opportunities for smart analytics and improved customer service – but only if IT and business management can work together.

Wenande Business Solutions, partnering with Pyramid Analytics, would like to exploit these opportunities by helping our customers make business sense and extract value out of this unstructured data.

There is a huge opportunity for government at all spheres, and especially at local City level, to use analytics to improve service delivery. Wenande Business Solutions aims to work closely with City leaders to identify innovative ideas to make cities more successful in the areas of talent, citizen engagement and opportunity.

The Filemaker Platform

Filemaker Platform is just the right tool for your business. More than a million people around the world use the Filemaker Platform everyday to get things done faster and more efficiently at work. See why you should too.

Wenande Business Solutions has partnered with @ncorp to deliver this innovative platform to our customers. @ncorp has over ten years of development experience on the Filemaker Platform with a number of customers in both public and private sector.

One of the most interesting module of the Filemaker Platform is Invoice Management. Many organisations – in public as well as private sector – struggle to pay their suppliers in time. In most cases organisations get in breach of their own stated policies of paying their suppliers in 30 days. This is due to the background manual system of matching Quotes, Purchase Orders (PO’s) to the invoices. Filemaker is able to access and pulls data (PO’s and quotes) from the ERP system and dumps this data into Filemaker. It then automates the matching process, making it easy and fast in paying the suppliers.

Our target market is as follows:        

  • Finance sector
  • Retail
  • Property
  • Travel Industry, Freight, Customs
  • Manufacturing
  • Government
  • Education, skills development
  • IT, and many more

Managed Print Services (MPS)

Large organisations and government institutions continue to waste paper through inefficient printing practices. There is an opportunity to reduce costs in this area by adopting good business practices. Managed print services (MPS) enables organisations to gain visibility and control of their entire document environment. This is not only about reducing printing and paper usage – it helps organisations to meet the information challenges of today and tomorrow.

We aim to partner with a strategic partner to assist our customers realize the benefits and value delivered by managed print services.

Other solution offerings

Wenande is looking at building delivery capabilities in the

following areas:

  • Security
  • Network cabling services
  • Custom software development
  • IT Training
  • Managed desktop support
  • Asset management

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